Now some people may say, why make a whole episode of Glee about Madonna?? And to those people I would like to say: Get out of your pickups with your Rebel Flags on the back and open your years! Oh and stop beating up gays that is sooo 90s. I'm going to make this post as simple as possible. What I liked and what I didn't like. Yes, I did not find the episode to be perfect, but it was really good. Better than last weeks for sure.
What I Disliked: Let's get the the bad stuff out of the way so we can end on a high note. Number one yet again is Finn. I don't like Finn no matter how hard I try. He is boring...oh so boring. Also I don't like his voice, it's whinny. Sorry to the Finn fanatics out there, but he is my least favorite character. And in this episode he butchered my favorite Madge song "Open Your Heart". I don't think I can forgive him after that. Please replace him with Johnathan Groff, I'm begging you Glee gods.
The only other thing I disliked was the whole Sue Sylvester LOVES Madonna storyline, it seemed really forced. It wasn't believable, because there was no strong reasoning. In the episode where we find out Sue's sister has downs syndrome and thats why she was hard on the girl trying out; THAT was believable. If there was a quick back story as to why Sue LOVED Madonna it might have worked better.
What I Liked!: The music obviously. They really made Madonna's music fit. And the whole environment in school where everyone was dressed like her was cute and worked.
I LOVED that Kurt and Mercedes got the spotlight this time!! There are my favorites so it made me smile. The line Kurt said to Sue "We make culture" was just true! They made the right song choice for them and it really was the best performance in the whole episode.
I liked the "Like a Virgin" part, cause with Madonna you need some sex.
I loved that we got to see more of Tina, cause we should see ALOT more of her. She's got comedic timing, give her some damn lines!
And as always Miss Sue Sylvester rocked everyones comedic panties off. Jane Lynch cannot get enough praise from me. I've loved her for years, and it seems like that once in a lifetime phenomenon where the perfect part is given to the perfect actress happened. Her timing is impeccable, and she has now been placed beside my all time favorite comedic actress, Bea Arthur. Jane Lynch should be getting a truck load of Emmys for this part.
I have to say the lack of Quinn has been a good thing, cause it was Quinn pregnant overload before. I would like to see her character blossom more this season and for her to become a person rather than a preggo teen caricature.
So all in all it was a great episode. And they truly did justice to Madonna's lifetime of work.