Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And It Begins

So here we all are, the first post. Now you may be thinking, "Why am I here? What have I stumbled onto?" The answer my friends, I hope we are now close enough that I can call you that, is a blog about everything you ever wanted to know, and alot of things you never wanted to even hear about.
Now this blog is soley about one thing and one thing only; comedy. I am here to hopefully make you laugh, and maybe so hard you will cry. (So would you please read it while pushing a thumbtack into your hand) This blog is also for the children because they are our future and shit.
Really I think if we look to the, um children for guidance we're uh, fucked. This is the generation that brought us Miley Cyrus, whom I love, and for that someone should be punished.
Here in this little corner of the internet we will talk and discuss things that need to be heard!! Like who's probably gay in Hollywood, and if they are a top or bottom. (*Cough*Ryan Seacrest*Cough*) Why does Britney not have a Nobel Peace Prize? (Please she so deserves it. In fact anyone who boned Kevin Federline should have one) How many pills is Lady Gaga actually on? (A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT) And this is just the tip of the iceberg folks.
I will also have stories about my own life, and my weight loss. But don't worry, there will be no seriousness on this blog. Unless someone dies, I'm not heartless, unless it's Pat Robertson, then it will be let the shit roll. But I'm here to make you laugh, or at least try to. I'm a whore to please, and since you most likely won't have sex with me, I might as well try comedy. Its the same...right?

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