Now I don't know what half of those words meant. And a scenester? Are we serious. To me a Hipster is this:

See those scarves, that is your first sign that what you are seeing might be a Hipster. To me they look a little British, like 70s Liverpool British. Also if they have earbuds in their ears that is a good sign too. Most people going to see Where the Wild Things Are will be Hipster. Also I think that maybe Gordon Levit Lewis might be their king. Apparently they love the word "deck" which means cool or fresh, if you live in the 80s and worship the fresh prince. Gays, this would be like how we slash words, terrific becomes terif, totally becomes totes. OH PS. Fierce is GONE, stop using it....thanks Tyra.
But know that Hipsters are not EMO. THANK GOD. They are much better in mood and fashion sense, I mean they look a little like vagabonds, but at least they aren't in black all the time, with eyeliner, ugh. They are also very green and love soy. They are the people that would create their own composte, and only eat organic.
They hate corporate america, and bands that sell out, aka. Green Day, they really hate them. Much like in the 90s when grunge was rampant they also hated the selling out to corporate greed. They believe that bands should love the music, and not want to be thrown into popular culture, which I never understand.
They shop in thrift stores, again with the whole against popular culture. I think that some also shop at Hot Topic...but don't tell them I said so.
Hipsters are here, well for now at least. And I for one welcome them! Maybe one day, there will be a great battle between them and Emos. One can only hope.
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