Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I am so happy because of what I just stumbled upon the internet. A new Muppet movie is in the works!! It has been named The Cheapest Muppet Movie Ever Made. Its supposedly going to be written by Jason Segel, famous for How I Met Your Mother and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It makes me feel much more positive about the project hearing this news. Just because of the ending of Sarah Marshall. I think Segel will do a great job. A new Muppet movie!! The world is right again!
Visit here for more info.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Gay Stuff
Is Hipster the new Emo
Now I don't know what half of those words meant. And a scenester? Are we serious. To me a Hipster is this:

See those scarves, that is your first sign that what you are seeing might be a Hipster. To me they look a little British, like 70s Liverpool British. Also if they have earbuds in their ears that is a good sign too. Most people going to see Where the Wild Things Are will be Hipster. Also I think that maybe Gordon Levit Lewis might be their king. Apparently they love the word "deck" which means cool or fresh, if you live in the 80s and worship the fresh prince. Gays, this would be like how we slash words, terrific becomes terif, totally becomes totes. OH PS. Fierce is GONE, stop using it....thanks Tyra.
But know that Hipsters are not EMO. THANK GOD. They are much better in mood and fashion sense, I mean they look a little like vagabonds, but at least they aren't in black all the time, with eyeliner, ugh. They are also very green and love soy. They are the people that would create their own composte, and only eat organic.
They hate corporate america, and bands that sell out, aka. Green Day, they really hate them. Much like in the 90s when grunge was rampant they also hated the selling out to corporate greed. They believe that bands should love the music, and not want to be thrown into popular culture, which I never understand.
They shop in thrift stores, again with the whole against popular culture. I think that some also shop at Hot Topic...but don't tell them I said so.
Hipsters are here, well for now at least. And I for one welcome them! Maybe one day, there will be a great battle between them and Emos. One can only hope.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Review: Where the Wild Things Are

Rating: 3 out of 5
As movies go this one is definitely a cut above the rest. The writing and cinematography are some of the best I've seen this year. And the special effects mixed with puppetry gives me the same emotions as I had when I was a child watching anything Jim Henson. You stare at wonderment at these Wild Things. They feel so real that you want to meet them and romp around with them just like Max.
There were many things in the movie that would make me sit and stare, unable to blink because of the beauty. Especially the parts when it is a desert landscape with the sun either rising or setting. Speaking of the setting, Spike Jones has crafted something that most directors couldn't dream of doing. It's the feeling of childlike wonder and also comfortability in the setting.
This is the central theme in the movie. You can almost feel like you have your childlike imagination back. When you were a kid the small woods by your house was a deep forest to you, a rock pile was a mountain. Spike Jones takes you back to that same feeling because you are looking through Max's eyes. You can literary see his imagination in play. When that hits you at certain points you can't help but smile. You feel like a kid again.
The writing is spectacular. It doesn't dumb things down to a childlike level. It feels like a real child talking when Max speaks. There is a part when he first meets the Wild Things and he begins to tell tall tales about himself. I've heard kids do this. I taught preschool for a time and kids come up with the craziest stories, all to impress you. Max does the same. The Wild Things are childlike too, but also adult. I didn't understand this as much. Sometimes they talk to Max on his level, sometimes above, and sometimes below. It doesn't seem as fleshed out.
Now I bet your saying, why do you say all of these great things and give it three stars. Because I didn't leave going "This is one of the best movies I've seen." For me, PERSONALLY, I didn't fully get it. It was funny at times, sad at times, but never really picked what it was about. It was too random maybe for my tastes. Even though when you meet KW's friends, that was my kind of random! The movie in it's entirety didn't gel for me. I also had this feeling that I was missing something. Like I wasn't getting small things that would make sense of it all. Again though as a movie it is very good. I didn't walk out going "GOD IT SUCKED!". I walked out not understanding the full meaning.
Also, I hated Max. I'm not a big fan of kids in general, especially the older than 8 range. So I found Max as a character annoying and selfish. The actor though was great, his timing and emotional portrayal was incredible. I think he played him exactly like Max was written. The problem however, I was never in Max's corner. He was a brat who was acting out because his Mom wouldn't play with him ALL THE TIME. And I didn't find the Mom to be that horrible. She was stressed and trying to do the single mom thing. Did she mess up, yes. The whole boyfriend thing was proof of that. But she was never horrible to Max, even when he destroys a room. I understood the whole "escape to the Wild Things", but it was hard to really get invested when I didn't like the main character.
Now I say this in closing, if you liked the books you will like this movie. I sat by my best friend and she LOVED it. She got the thing that I did not. So this can be fully enjoyed by someone, I saw the proof. I have never read the book, so I think that had something to do with the whole not fully understanding the movie. The very last thing I will say is that I loved KW...alot. She was the best thing about the movie for me, cause she was the most well rounded of all the characters. I say see the movie and give it a try, you may like it alot, or like me, just a little.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Geek Post: ROCKTOBER 13!!
So tomorrow is a big day in the world of video games. Two games, that could be very huge this holiday season release tomorrow. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and Brutal Legend. I know that Uncharted 2 will help Sony, with moving consoles this holiday season. The early review scores alone show that this is now a franchise that now can step up against Grand Theft Auto and Microsoft's golden child HALO. In fact I would call Uncharted Sony's Halo and Nathan Drake their Master Chief. So seeing how Sony has been drug through the dirt the past couple of years with the PS3, I hope that they can grab some more ground this holiday season and become a real competitor in the games market.
But this post isn't really all about the sales market of video games it's about how anyone listening should run out tomorrow whenever you can, get 60 dollars, and buy Brutal Legend. I hear you saying "But you haven't even played it yet!!" I know I haven't but I don't have to play it, to know that it will be awesome.
One name lets me know that this game will deliver and is worth my money. Tim Schafer. If you've never played a Tim Schafer game, please do so. I never got to play his LucasArts games back in the 90s, because we never owned a PC till 2000. I hear however that they were the best of that generation when it came to adventure gaming.
What I did get to play was Psychonauts. One of the best games of the last generating in the Action/Adventure category. I'm talking better than Mario people. In fact I will be so bold to say that Mario Galaxy was not the first to do what it did Platform wise. Psychonauts was. Mario Galaxy just did it better. This game was so clever, so original, that you can't not give it the acclaim that it deserves.
I'm not going to list why it deserves awards of all kinds, because I want you to play it and see, but I will write this. The premise is that you are a boy at a summer camps for psychics of all kinds. And levels in this game are the inside of people's minds. Which you get to buy putting a little door on their heads. If that doesn't excite you let me say this there are evil girl scouts, a whole level devoted to the shagadelic 60s, and a crazy funny man who is a genius and his personality changes when he has different clothes on. OH, and you get to light things on fire with your MIND!
This game is amazing, and the one downside is the technology in graphics at the time could not show emotions on faces like today. That's a downside! It was too ambitious for the technology.
But whats sets it apart leaps and bounds from other games is the writing. Tim Schafer's writing is witty, and just plain makes you chuckle. You have a smile on your face pretty much 90% of the time because the characters are so expressive. Sometimes I felt like I was watching a great Cartoon Network show than playing a video game.
Get this game! It is on Xbox Live as a download. You can also get it at Gamestop for the original Xbox and PS2 if you have those.
So that is the reason why I don't worry that Brutal Legend will blow me away. Tim Schafer is one of the best video game developers in the business. He would not let me down.
ALSO, I played the demo, it rocks! Try it....NOW!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Geek Post: Random Comicness

It was funny, gross, and very enjoyable. Now if you know me, you know that two things happen when I see a horror movie. I get nauseous and I hide my eyes for most of the movie. At this movie I did hide my eyes sometimes. There were startle, make you jump scares. Also, it was gross but it was funny gross, I didn't get nauseous at all.
There were parts I laughed out loud at. I mean black woman laugh out loud. There is also a part, which I won't describe, which involves a mansion, that is worth the 10 dollar of admission.
Trust me, you'll love it.
4.5/5 stars
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
There are times..
As a Gay man will I ever find love and companionship?? Then I picture them.

Support Ernie and Bert for Gay Marriage!!
This post is dedicated to LGBT history month and the National Equality March on DC!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
What the world needs is MORE MUPPETS!

Do you know what I miss the most from my childhood, all Muppets all the time. They were so a part of my childhood that I'm sad for the current kids in America. Muppet movies were funny and smart. Much better than the Miley Jonas crap they watch today. I'm sad that Disney has so much control over the franchise. It hasn't seemed to help. The Muppets seem to be relegated to bad specials on the Disney Channel and ABC. But if you're like me and long for the good Muppet days then watch some of this.
And my two personal favorites:
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Reasons why I love Chelsea
Chelsea?? you say. I don't mean a person I mean a team of men. Now we are all on the same page I see. I'm really beginning to love watching Soccer, Football in Europe, or The Beautiful Game. Whatever you call it, I'm in. I think I like it the most because I'm not bombarded with it, here in America. No one really likes Soccer, so it's under the radar, and that's where I like to be when it comes to sports. I mean I don't hate American Football, but boy am I sick of it. Living in Pittsburgh, which is called Steeler Country, football is everywhere 24/7. If I loved football, I wouldn't probably mind. Seeing though that me and football are just casual friends, it's not quite like that. With watching and getting into soccer, I feel like it's mine, and I don't have to argue with the other males of my family about it.
Anyways, I love to watch English Premier League. Living in Pittsburgh we don't have our own soccer team for the Major League Soccer in America, so I don't have a home team to root for and go to support. If I lived in LA I'm sure I'd go to LA Galaxy games. So I watch what I can on cable.

My favorite team is Chelsea, they don't suck and they wear blue, that was all I had to go with. But I just had a instant attraction to that team, don't know why, I'll just call it fate. But here below are some other reasons.


John Terry...DILF

Frank Lampard

And my personal fav, Michael Ballack. A German GOD!
Now you wanna become a soccer fan don't ya!?
The Fall/ Winter Movie Wrapup
I'm happy that fall has approached, that means winter is well on it's way. I love the fall/winter season, well until February, then I'm right sick of it. But to me the best parts of the year come at winter. Thanksgiving, Christmas, the biggest video game releases of the year, and some of the best movies come out too. This year's winter releases make me a little happier than the past because this year we will not be riddled with sequels. I mean I like a sequel just as much as any other person, but I like the idea of original titles a little more. Here is my own list of what I'm looking forward to.
The Box releases the 6th. A couple with money problems is given a box with a red button. If they push the button someone will die, but they will also get a million dollars. The trailer looks interesting, and it has a feel to it that makes it stand out from most of the other cookie cutter movies that are jammed down our throats.
New Moon releases the 20th. The sequel to the billion selling book Twilight. Now I'm a Twilight fan and admit it with no shame. And I'm biased to the point that if this movie sucks, I probably won't even notice.
The Princess and the Frog releases the 25th. It's Disney returning to what made us all love it in the first place. New princess, new songs, and even lovable animals that act like humans! I'm really excited to sit in a theater and feel like a kid again.
The Lovely Bones releases the 11th. This movie adaptation of the book of the same name looks interesting. It has an exceptional cast, but also looks like a downer at the same time. I mean I don't know how a story about a girl being raped and killed can really spin into something thats not sad.
AVATAR releases the 18th. This movie looks gorgeous, but will it be any good? I don't know, I feel like this could be the new Matrix, or be something that feels like it should be on Syfy.
It's Complicated releases the 25th. Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, and Alec Baldwin in a comedy TOGETHER! Need I say more!
Sherlock Holmes releases the 25th. I feel that this will be Robert Downey's other Iron Man of this year. It has steam punk, Jude Law, and Rachel McAdams. Its gonna be good and we are all going to see it, I have no doubt.
Once 2010 hits there will be a lul in movies again until the blockbusters of summer, but there are a few things to look forward to when there's lots of snow on the ground.
February has Shutter Island and what I'm looking forward to so I can get through that dreaded day, Valentine's Day. (PS. in V-day Bradley Cooper and McSteamy play a gay couple, wet dreams can come true!)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
KILL BILL....3!!!!
So apparently Kill Bill 3 is going to be made. Um....HELL YES!!! Very excited about this news!!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Geek Post: Women in Comics done right?
Now when it comes to women in comics, alot of writers have taken a step in the right direction. (I'm looking at you Gail Simone, and thanks for it btw) But we never have really gotten a true comic aimed at women, to look at women's issues, from a woman's perspective. You may argue that Wonder Woman has done that, but really Wonder Woman was mostly a man in ladies clothing sometimes. Even though AGAIN, Gail Simone took the reins of the relaunch and tried to accomplish something with it. But I have been reading a comic that even though it does not hit it out of the ball park, it does do something that most other comics cannot.

Yes, I'm talking about Marvel Divas. Now like I said this isn't the best comic to come around in ages. I'm sure there are plenty of independent comic publishers that have released books that deal with these issues better than Marvel Divas.
But this is Marvel, the home of beefed up superheroes like Thor and Captain America, and big boobed wonders like She-Hulk and Emma Frost (who's tits have gotten blown up to ridiculous proportions from the 70s). So for this to be made by them, it might be a step in the right direction.
The writing in Divas is a little childish and there is a feeling the concept was "let's rip off Sex and the City". But I can get around that because I feel like these writers are new and still trying to find there voice. I mean writing a short series about a group of women and trying to sell it to comic book readers, who are mostly straight males, is a hard thing to do. Especially when most other books use women as a place to put boobs. But I have to give props to the writer, Roberto Aquirre-Sacasa. Now I do think that maybe a woman would have done a little better fleshing out and making the characters more unique and not so clique, but that might be sexist of me.
I think that Mr. Aquirre-Sacasa however did do something very notable in his series. He dealt with breast cancer. One of the Divas Angelica Jones, finds out that her mutant powers are causing cancer cells to grow in her breasts. Now I have not read the final issue of this four issue arc, but I really think this past issue (#3) is where the series really shined.
We are seeing and watching Angelica deal with the cancer. Now again this is not classic literature, but I liked how he made Miss Jones human. Now she is not a billboard character for Marvel. The biggest thing about her was that she was on a TV show in the 80s with Spiderman and Iceman. So the writer could do whatever he wanted to her. He deals with the breast cancer issue with dignity and grace. Not making it overly dramatic or making a joke out of it. It's written so that you just see what happens, without judgement.
What I'm really saying is read this series. It's not the best thing since The League of Gentleman, but it's way better than half of the other titles out there. Its worth a read and the 16 dollars for the four issues.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Glee makes me Glee
Ok so first, Kristen Chenoweth in anything is pretty much amazing. But Kristen in Glee, which by itself may be the best show I've watched since I set eyes on the first episode of Will and Grace, is like God coming down from the mountain and telling us what the meaning of life is. Well maybe not JUST like that but really, really close.
For those that don't know Miss Chenoweth is a very devout Christian and was suppose to be an Opera singer. There are rumors that she is hard to work with and a bit of a bitch. I hope that these are not true, because I like to think that the Divas that I adore are actually nice people in real life.
Watch the video below and you'll see what I mean. I love what Chris Colfer says, it pretty much sums up the post above in like 10 words.
Kevin and Olivia can actually be funny sometimes
I am a Twilight fan. Read all the books, own the bluray of the the movie, and already have my ticket to the midnight showing of New Moon. Yes I am a fourteen year old girl inside sometimes, but I'm a more of a punky, doesn't follow the rules fourteen year old girl. And most likely I'd be a slut too. ANYWAYS...I saw this on G4 the other day and really laughed because it's true if your a Buffy fan...oh Buffy how I miss you.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
GEEK POST: Halo: ODST first impressions
So this is one of the first of the group of posts called Geek Posts. Geek Posts will always be about something geeky (mostly comic books and video games).
HALO: ODST First Impressions
Now I like Halo but I don't love it. When I play video games I usually play them alone without friends. And the single player campaign has always been one that was lacking something. The story of Halo is kinda bland and always seems like it was thought of second. Like Bungie decided to build multiplayer first then went back and did the story. And it's either extremely long and drawn out (Halo 2) or shorter and choppy (Halo 3). The story in every Halo game is also second behind the gameplay. The gameplay is not bad in anyway, but it can be very repetitive. Its just clear one area, move on to next area, clear, next, clear, next.
Now there is another game that is very much the same as Halo, but the fact that its story is better written makes it a much better game. This game is Modern Warfare. That story was amazing, and since it was blended so well with the gameplay it made the whole experience better. In Modern warfare you can tell the writers and game designers were in the same room, where as Halo makes it seem like they were in separate buildings.
But ODST takes the old story/gameplay convention of the past Halo games and changes everything. Finally the story moves the gameplay and not the other way around. Battles may be random but there is a reason for them, which makes it all fit into the world. In ODST you are trying to find out where your squad is and what happened to them. Your alone in this dark, desolate city, and you feel that. Then the gameplay makes a great shift when you find an artifact of your squad.
This is one of the best things about ODST. You are in this light/dark scenario, much like Link's Awakening. When you are in the city of New Mombasa as the Rookie it is dark and evil. You feel that any enemy can be behind you and death can hit you at any minute. However when you are playing the flashbacks of your squad its bright because there is actual sunlight. It feels alive and exciting. It immerses you in to the world of the Rookie and your squad, because the contrast makes you feel the character's emotions. Not many game companies can get this right but Bungie did with this one. In the past Halos the world never felt like it was one of a kind. It was just the snow level, the outside level, the temple level. Now with only being in New Mombasa Bungie was able to do all the little things that take you from playing a game, to making you feel like your in the game. (I know that was clique)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Gayest Music Video
Now this is a Madonna music video I can support. Apparently all of the people in it are fans, and Madonna's children. At 2:45 you will see little Miss Lola. It's a fun video and I like the remix, but not as much as the original mix. Well Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Whitney is BACK!
Her new video for Million Dollar Bill is out. Now I must say in this video the setting is a little "crack den" like. But her performance in the video is primo! Watch, discuss.
The VMAs, three days later
The crazy Video Music Awards or as I like to call them MTV's night of debautery. Remember when Madonna came out of the cake? Remember when Britney and Christina came out of the cakes?? Remember when Madonna kissed them!? Lesbianism....OMFG!! You know that MTV was pissed when Janet showed her nip on the SuperBowl and not there own network. They had been nurturing Janet's boobs for years!! What a slap in the face, or motorboat in the know whatever your into.

Well this year was just chalk full of celebrity craziness. THANK GOD! No you think I'm gonna start with Kanye, not so, I'm gonna start with Beyonce. Oh Beyonce, or is it Sasha? I never know these days. Let me preface this with I love Beyonce, I love her music and her spastic, ghetto dance moves that were probably taken from drag queens, along with her mane, I mean hair.
Firstly B, what is with the semi robot hand thing? Ever since the Singles Ladies video premiered I pondered to myself..."What the fuck is that?"

Jay-Z's engagement ring??
But I digress, the best parts of her crazy 75 girl performance was when she STOPPED the music, circa Britney in "You Drive Me Crazy" style. Then thanked the audience for standing then asking them "If your having a good time say........YUAH!!" Which just made me giggle, cause it was much like an elephant trumpeting. NOW WAIT WAIT.....WAIT. But the true piece de resistance was when she put the mic in front of the drunk white girl so she could sing (if thats what you want to call that) the heeeeeey from the song Shout. Well all I can say to B or Shasha or whatever the hell your name is, good job girl.
Where to next boys and girls? Next we will go into the Land the MADGE built. Madonna is many things, a great giver and supporter of charities, a master at reinvention, and constantly at the age of 40. What she's not is humble. Now lets think about if we were Madonna. How would you act if you had shitloads of cash, gays that would probably jump of bridges for you, and a hot young athlete who is about 30 years younger than you to bang at night? My guess is pretty fucking happy, and unable to judge the outside world and yourself properly (aka. Britney). Now I didn't know that Madonna was Micheal Jackson's clone, but there you go. Also Madonna made me feel very shamed to think that MJ might have been a child molester, and that I didn't buy his last album, but neither did she apparently. She tried, she failed with the worst ulogy you could have ever made, but at least it wasn't Jermaine up there.
Next stop on the Vicodin tour 2009 is my favorite ex-cocaine addict hermaphrodite. LADY GAGA! Now Miss Gaga is a whole new bucket of crazy to some folks, but us gays are not shocked. I've seen a drag queen fake an overdose on stage, so La Ga (new slang term for Lady Gaga) and her crazy outfits are nothing new to me. Now the song she preformed was her new single "Paparazzi" which I of course love. I personally would have like to see "LoveGame" but I got over it. Now what I was really impressed with was the fact she singed the whole time, and not Ashlie Simpson singing. Now what made me go "Oooooahhheee" was her BIG OL crazy eyes. Now I get the whole performance art thing she is doing. Especially the whole paparazzi/death thing. But wouldn't you love to have been a fly on the wall in say and Alamabian home when they were watching that. "Tarnation!!" Indeed.

Now to the ASSHAT of the night. Kanye West. Now the funny thing about that is, I knew people that were shocked at his behavior. This is the same Kanye that when he lost last year he was going to ban himself from MTV. He also said "fuck you" to alot of people too. So shocked I was not. But to do that to poor little Taylor Swift was just stupid. This is the girl that talked shit on the Jonas Brother after he broke up with her. This girl does not come to play, she'll castrate you. Was he a jackass like Obama said? Of course he is, but he always has been, and people still buy his records so I guess 50,000 people dont care. But I think that Kanye might have cut himself a little too deep because he was mean to a young white girl, and white people don't like that. Remember Kanye you have lots of money, make good music, and have loads of fans; but don't piss off the white people, those fuckers hold grudges.
Now I'm gonna end on a high note (LAAAAAA!!). Anyways the best of the night was all the dancers and my main girl Janet doing the tribute to Micheal Jackson. It was good to see Janet dancing and preforming the way she used to when I was a kid. I love her...period.
Well the VMAs had alot of good thing, some bad things, but mostly crazy celeb things. I just want to say thank you MTV. You might have gave us Speidi, which will send some of you to hell, but you've also given us moments that when we look at ourselves in the mirror we will always know we will never be that fucked up.
And It Begins
So here we all are, the first post. Now you may be thinking, "Why am I here? What have I stumbled onto?" The answer my friends, I hope we are now close enough that I can call you that, is a blog about everything you ever wanted to know, and alot of things you never wanted to even hear about.
Now this blog is soley about one thing and one thing only; comedy. I am here to hopefully make you laugh, and maybe so hard you will cry. (So would you please read it while pushing a thumbtack into your hand) This blog is also for the children because they are our future and shit.
Really I think if we look to the, um children for guidance we're uh, fucked. This is the generation that brought us Miley Cyrus, whom I love, and for that someone should be punished.
Here in this little corner of the internet we will talk and discuss things that need to be heard!! Like who's probably gay in Hollywood, and if they are a top or bottom. (*Cough*Ryan Seacrest*Cough*) Why does Britney not have a Nobel Peace Prize? (Please she so deserves it. In fact anyone who boned Kevin Federline should have one) How many pills is Lady Gaga actually on? (A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT) And this is just the tip of the iceberg folks.
I will also have stories about my own life, and my weight loss. But don't worry, there will be no seriousness on this blog. Unless someone dies, I'm not heartless, unless it's Pat Robertson, then it will be let the shit roll. But I'm here to make you laugh, or at least try to. I'm a whore to please, and since you most likely won't have sex with me, I might as well try comedy. Its the same...right?
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